The Boys and Girls Week have finally ended. But for the youths, it’s just the beginning of their long journey towards building a leader in them, in the service to the community. All of them echoed an excellent experience in their feedback paper to the city.
Last October 1, 2010, PP Megs Lunn was tasked to give the Leadership Forum with the theme: THE LAW OF “KAW-TA” ABILITY. She shared the Seven (7) Leader’s Behavior from its Dime
nsion to Universal Desire to its corresponding Leader’s Behavior. The main thought of the forum is to teach leaders to implement the “Feedback-Rich” Culture, may it be in a company and or the organization. PP Megs believed that “KAW-TA” ability, of which is coined from the words IKAW-TAYO, is a vital principle for growing. The boys and girls were given the challenge to choose between: A leader who is Vital or a leader who is Fatal? Likewise, very vital to the organization is the LAW OF THE BIG PICTURE (S.C.) – that the goal is more important than the role.

After the talk, the delegates enjoyed the open forum, specifically, they were very interested on what the Rotary and Rotarians are doing.
After the forum, the boys and girls were recognized by the city Mayor and its team by giving the Certificates of Recognition to each delegate. However, in the absence of the City Mayor, Pres. Jerry, togethe

The most exciting part was during the Rotary meeting on the same day of Friday. Though not all 28 delegates were present, half of them were very attentive during the classification talk of Rtn. Peter Andrada (MD) on Alcohol, Effects in the Body and Behavior and Meth Mary Jane (short cut for methamphetamine and marijuana). Rtn. Peter Latimar I. Andrada is a physician on Internal Medicine and a specialist on Gastroenterology.
After the talk, Pres. Jerry requested PP Megs to introduce INTERACT club, one of the youth programs of Rotary International. The delegates finalized its decisio

The club hit two-birds-in-one-stone last October 1, 2010 - the culminating activity of the New Generations Month and the Opening of the Vocational Month.
Congratulations Pres. Jerry and your team for a job well done. It just shows how Rotarians work in a magical way, notwithstanding the bad weather and other challenges along the way. Because for us, the goal is more important than the role.
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