H.S. Riseley
Club of Sandringham
Ian H.S. Riseley is a chartered
accountant and principal of Ian Riseley and Co., a firm he established in 1976.
Prior to starting his own firm, he worked in the audit and management
consulting divisions of large accounting firms and corporations. His firm specializes
in income tax and management advice for individuals and small businesses. He
has a master’s degree in taxation law and graduate diplomas in accounting and
income tax.
Riseley has been a member of the
boards of both a private and a public school, a member of the Community
Advisory Group for the City of Sandringham, and involved in Sea Scouts and
sporting groups, as well as honorary auditor or adviser for a number of
charitable organizations.
Riseley’s honors include the AusAID
Peacebuilder Award from the Australian government in recognition of his work in
East Timor, the Medal of the Order of Australia for services to the Australian
community, the Distinguished Service Award and the Regional Service Award for a
Polio-Free World from The Rotary Foundation.
A Rotarian since 1978, Riseley has
served as treasurer, director, Foundation trustee, and member and chair of
numerous RI and Foundation committees.
He and his wife, Juliet, a past
district governor, are Major Donors and Bequest Society members of The Rotary
Foundation. They live on seven hectares at Moorooduc, where they practice their
personal philosophy of sustainable and organic living. They have two children
and four grandchildren.
source: www.rotary.org