Fellow Rotarians in Service,
This week we had our first meeting since the induction and for the first time since I've been in the club all new members were present and participated lively at fellowship time. I think we have a good bunch of new inductees.
Jon Arcenas
Tonette Borres
Lucille Manuel
Andre Ravena
PP Ruben and I will be going out soon to Bago National High School and begin the supervision of painting the roofs from the paint donated by the Rotary Club of Liwasang Bonifacio.
P. Jerry Lames
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
RC Roxas Country Western Induction 2011
CONGRATULATIONS to the Rotary Club of Roxas for the very successful and well attended 46th Induction and Turnover ceremonies last night (and early morning) at the Lakehouse in San Antonio Resort, here in Roxas City, with no less than the district governor as the guest speaker.
The country western theme of the affair was very well received with everybody trying to outdo each other by coming in western outfits. It was like a discon costume party. Everybody had so much fun. To say that the food is very good, is an understatement. It was marvelous. I specially liked the chili con carne!
This Induction is also a first in the club. The first non-Filipino (American) club president was inducted, and truly, it was really a celebration of the internationality of the Rotary.
Truly, the club has evolved into a very dynamic and resilient club thru the years. I'm sure with the present crop of officers, the club will continue to be the gold standard thru which the different service clubs in the city is measured.
By the way, 4 new members were inducted to the club; an architect, an interior designer, a Doctor of Medicine, and a nurse. All of them have dynamic personalities which will be an asset to the club.
Again, Congratulations.
PP Mel Deslate

Rtn. Jose Maria Jon Arcenas - Architect, sponsored by Rtn. Chad Del Rosario
Rtn. Andrei Ravena, MD - sponsored by PP/AG Pip Acepcion
The country western theme of the affair was very well received with everybody trying to outdo each other by coming in western outfits. It was like a discon costume party. Everybody had so much fun. To say that the food is very good, is an understatement. It was marvelous. I specially liked the chili con carne!
This Induction is also a first in the club. The first non-Filipino (American) club president was inducted, and truly, it was really a celebration of the internationality of the Rotary.
Truly, the club has evolved into a very dynamic and resilient club thru the years. I'm sure with the present crop of officers, the club will continue to be the gold standard thru which the different service clubs in the city is measured.
By the way, 4 new members were inducted to the club; an architect, an interior designer, a Doctor of Medicine, and a nurse. All of them have dynamic personalities which will be an asset to the club.
Again, Congratulations.
PP Mel Deslate

Congratulations P. Jerry and the team for RY 2010-2011 during its 46th Induction and Turn-over Ceremonies last July 23, 2010 at the Lakehouse of San Antonio Resort and Village, Roxas City, Capiz.
Welcome to the club our new baby Rotarians:
Rtn. Jose Maria Jon Arcenas - Architect, sponsored by Rtn. Chad Del Rosario
Rtn. Lucille Manuel - Interior Designer, sponsored by Rtn. Toto Arce
Rtn. Marie Antonette Borres - Nurse, sponsored by Rtn. Toto Arce
Rtn. Andrei Ravena, MD - sponsored by PP/AG Pip Acepcion
It was another milestone for RC Roxas went Country Western theme during the event. Well done guys.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Celebrating National Disabilities Month

COLLECTIVE EFFORT MEDICAL MISSION- PP Megs Lunn (RC Roxas) and PP Raphy Tayco (MD), Rtn. Arnold Jayme (MD) and Rtn. Joanna Tay-Meren (STAC Manager) of RC Kalibo, together with the other allied organizations, initiated a MEDICAL MISSION for STAC Handicapped Kids at STAC-Bliss Site, Kalibo, Aklan last July 21, 2010. The group treated 80 handicapped kids from age 0-14 years old. The Rotaria
ns and volunteers celebrated the National Disabilities Month from July 17-21, 2010. The event was in cooperation with Aklan Medical Society and Kool Earth Club.
Earlier, sister club thru PP Ed Escano of RC Forbes Park donated Art materials for the Art contest, too. What is good in this was that, the essence of bringing three (3) Rotary clubs together in one good cause - truly a fellowship of Rotarians.

Earlier, sister club thru PP Ed Escano of RC Forbes Park donated Art materials for the Art contest, too. What is good in this was that, the essence of bringing three (3) Rotary clubs together in one good cause - truly a fellowship of Rotarians.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kind Hearts + Technology
check on our partners who gave prosthesis legs to our Filipino amputees....
check on our partners who gave prosthesis legs to our Filipino amputees....
Friday, July 16, 2010
Induction RY 2010--2011
Where: Lake House, San Antonio Resort & Village
When: July 23, 2010 @ 7:00 PM
Theme: Western Country
You are invited. Please send RSVP to +63 917 804 3405
Where: Lake House, San Antonio Resort & Village
When: July 23, 2010 @ 7:00 PM
Theme: Western Country
You are invited. Please send RSVP to +63 917 804 3405
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The 2 -American Legs of Arnel
July 12
Arnel and I flew to Manila at 1:05 PM departure Kalibo.
Thanks God for the smooth flight. I have to complement the flight captain for it and he was surprised and very thankful. I guess it’s seldom that he gets a face to face complements from his passengers. We landed 5mins ahead the scheduled arrival time in Manila.
There was Elmer who happily greeted us at the welcome reception of the arrival area of NAIA 3. Before we could get in the car, he ushered Arnel and I to take some photo ops in front of the arrival area.
Then, there was Kuya Manny, our ever reliable pilot (driver) who took us straight to the PGH of which we heard Dr. Penny Bondoc and her team is expecting us at 3:00 PM.
Traffic was not so bad. Perhaps, it did matter to me since we were busy talking with Elmer catching up with times and exchange of news with Arnel and the Rotary.
We came to Manila for check up and repair only of the right prosthesis leg of Arnel. It was a big surprised when as soon we sat down inside the Brace and Prosthesis Lab room, Dave Kelly, a Certified Prosthetics from Seattle, Washington, USA came to see Arnel in the corner and immediately bend down on his knees and checked on Arnel’s two prosthesis legs. I told him that we came for check up and repair. Dave said that they can replace the two prosthesis legs to a new pair if possible. I thought, why not? It was a blessing coming to Manila thru the generosity of PP Ed Escano (RC Forbes), and I thought, it is a grace to get more than check up and repair, so I told Dave, “by all means, you know what’s best for Arnel.” Off he went to right away get a cast of plaster of paris and went to work for the two new legs of Arnel. One leg is an indoskeletal type of prosthesis.
While Dave is getting the cast, I was busy asking questions and curious of what he does back home. In the US, one basic prosthesis leg would cost from $3000 to $5000 each. Dave and Mike are both members of PHYSICIANS FOR PEACE who happens to be in the city for a medical mission on giving free services thru prosthesis legs. They have been coming back for 6 years now and they work as partners with PGH Prosthesis Department and some Rotary clubs in the city. They are both married to a Filipino who is sisters and so, they are brothers by default. Mike is a Jamaican and lives in Virginia, while Dave is an American from Seattle, Washington, USA.
Arnel was interviewed after by Jun and his group of Mix Photography hired by Physicians for Peace to get footages for the mission. I can’t help to mention Jun and his team her. Like many others in the room, I also asked questions of what they do. I admired the group for being members of advocates for responsible smoking in their own town in Taytay, Rizal.
Arnel is so blessed while I am overwhelmed by kindness of this group, to kids and adult alike in the Philippines.
After the casting and some exchange of informations/details, we headed to go home to our temporary residence (Paloverde Condo home units) for three days, courtesy of PP Ed Escano (Founder/Chair – Project WALK – RC Forbes Park, Makati City).
July 13
Kuya Manny fetch us at 8:00 AM to go back to PGH.
At Ward 5, before we could reach the Prosthesis Lab, we were already greeted by a team of Therapists who took good care of Arnel almost two years ago. Mike is the first one who recognized Arnel. Mike was Arnel’s therapist then. It was a happy reunion, indeed. There were all glad to see Arnel and vice versa.
At the lab, we were advised to just wait while they continue working on the new legs of Arnel.
Rtn. Roberto Lao of our new matched club member – RC Liwasang Bonifacio came to visit us at the lab. He was trying to learn about what we do as he is a neophyte Rotarian, according to him. So, I gave him a birds-eye view of Project W.A.L.K. We talked many things about Rotary, learning from each club’s experiences and planning future projects for RC Roxas and RC Liwasang Bonifacio.
After lunch, Dave started to fit the right indoskeletal leg of Arnel. Arnel started walking. It took many try-outs before Arnel can finally get used to the new leg, although, he was a bit hesitant as he was used to using the old (Mahaveer Foundation) leg.
Dave was persistent to make both legs finished at the same time. However, because of time constraints of their schedule, we decided to go back the next day to get the two new legs instead.
After we got appointment to go back the next day, we were invited to go to PP Ed’s office at Taipan Place, Ortigas City. There we had time to relax more.
At 4:00 PM, we were invited to be guests to a Cocktail of Physicians for Peace thru Dr. Penny Bondoc. We need to be at the venue (Silahis Heritage Gallery, Intramuros) by 6:00 PM. By this time, the storm Basyang started to pour. But since we committed to be there and the rain or shine, the show must go on, we braved the traffic from Ortigas to Intramuros. We were just in time to arrive when I heard a familiar voice while climbing up the stairs to the 3rd floor of the gallery.
There it was, PDG Lynne Abanilla hosting the program fundraising for Physicians for Peace. We were also reunited after three (3) years the last time we saw each other. What a grace again. Everybody in the audience was happy to see us, the whole team of the Physicians for Peace, some Rotarians and the PGH people.
We were recognized coming all the way from Aklan to grace the occasion. Arnel was given a token of Noy doll (made by SJB of Sampaguita Gardens, Aklan) from their special guest – Ms. Pinky, the sister of Pres. Noynoy Aquino. There was a joke where she mentioned that Arnel came to Manila to be given a token made from Aklan of where we came from ( he he he ). It was a fun and memorable night for everyone. There were at least 15 (kids/adults) recipients who were present also. The paintings for sale by a renowned artist – Acuna are all displayed on the wall of which a percentage of the sale goes to the Physicians for Peace Foundation – of which most of their recipients are the Filipino people.
July 14
The storm has almost left. Though worried about the flight during the day, I am excited to see Arnel’s two new legs. Arnel is the same, he was up and ready for another great day. We left the condo at 9 AM.
While on the road, I was praying hard that God will grant us fair weather and that we can leave that afternoon without any flight cancellation. We can’t afford anymore to stay another day. But whatever HIS WILL that day, it was all worth the waiting for Arnel.
Finally, at 2:25 PM, Arnel got two new legs and he was practicing walking inside the lab. (Because of the storm the night before, there was a brownout that slowed down the making of the two legs) He was advised to keep walking with the new legs and as I also encouraged him to do the same; I was again worried about the flight. Anyhow, we are continually blessed and finally, at 3:00 PM, taking pictures and thanking everyone around, we left PGH.
Traffic was not so bad. Kuya Manny knows his way around and so we arrived at the airport after an hour. We bid goodbye to Kuya Manny. He was a very good navigator and patiently waiting for us all the time to get our things done. He is always ever smiling at the same time. Enough to relax us while in the car – courtesy again of PP Ed.
At the airport? With what happened the night before (storm Basyang), it was chaotic. It was like a refugee camp. Flights cancelled if not delayed here and there. With a positive mindset and trusted God that HE will grant our prayers to go home, we went in line. For many times we were ushered to change line, for whatever reason, it was for the good of all.
Finally, we got our boarding pass. Our flight is safe, but was advised to still stand by for further announcements….still, I thank God for it. I keep telling Arnel to pray harder that we can go home.
At the departure area when we checked in, people are lying on the floor, there were arguments in the corner for the cancelled and delayed flights, children screaming, and people busy eating, but most of them are impatiently looking at the flight TV monitor screen.
While Arnel, there was already three people who keep changing looking after him in a wheelchair as he was in pain walking with his new legs. For three times, we were also ushered to different gates, until after two hours delayed time, we finally boarded. Thanks God. We were lucky since day one to end… I thought I don’t want this to end, I mean – being lucky (wink).
Finally, home sweet home at Kalibo International Airport after 8:00 PM. It was raining in Manila before we left; it was raining in Kalibo when we arrived. We could not afford to complain. We all have the luck in the world for three days and the rain just came on time when our rice field needed it most, too.
There is no way I can thank the people of PGH Prosthetics Department, Physicians for Peace, RC Forbes Park, RC Roxas, Fr. Novel Inguillo for fetching us at KIA and sending Arnel back home to the Parish of New Washington, and the rest of the people behind all the possibilities for Arnel.
To Arnel, thank you for the privileged to serve.
As the saying goes, GRATITUDE IS IN THE HEART and will forever linger there.
Project W.A.L.K.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
PROJECT W.A.L.K. Mission Accomplished

Arnel Ropero, 14 YO, Aklan got his two new Prosthesis Legs from the partnership between RC Forbes, RC Roxas, Physicians for Peace and PGH Prosthetics Department team. (July 12-14, 2010.)
Thank you ARNEL for the privileged to serve.
As the saying goes, "GRATITUDE IS IN THE HEART, and it will always linger there."
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Meet the R.I. President, Ray Klinginsmith
Matched Club RY 2010-2011
What a good start for Pres. Jerry Lames Rotary Year.

Last July 10, 2010, a Welcome Reception and Renewal of Matched Club Agreement with Rotary Club of Liwasang Bonifacio was held at the many stop-over points around Roxas City and Capiz. The event was very successful.
RC Liwasang Bonifacio was led by Global President Jowell San Jose and his spouse Rannie San Jose. His team was composed of their energetic charter members PE Elvis Patao, CP Romy Malcampo & Spouse Malou, AG/IPP Winston Ongchinke, Project Director Donald Almonte, Rtn. Roberto Lao, Senior Board Member/Rtn. Sonny Besa & Spouse Josephine. While our team present with Pres. Jerry were, AG/IPP Pip, PP Ruben, PP Butch, PP Megs, GSE Team Leader Mhel, PP Mark, Rtn. Chad & Spouse/Sec. Leah, Rtn. Cheche, Rtn. Bonnie and
our ever hardworking Admin. Sec. Weng.
It was a one blessed day for everyone. The day was overwhelming with the donations of pails of paint from our sisterclub RC Liwasang Bonifacio to this year's adopted school - Bago National High School in the district of Capiz. The show prepared by the students touched the heart of all of us and made sister club promised to donate more paints to paint the entire school with more or less 300 students population with only 9 Teachers, including the Principal. Aside from the paint, the two matched club promised to donate a PA System and build a library of books of which the school is deprived for a long time now.

Last July 10, 2010, a Welcome Reception and Renewal of Matched Club Agreement with Rotary Club of Liwasang Bonifacio was held at the many stop-over points around Roxas City and Capiz. The event was very successful.
RC Liwasang Bonifacio was led by Global President Jowell San Jose and his spouse Rannie San Jose. His team was composed of their energetic charter members PE Elvis Patao, CP Romy Malcampo & Spouse Malou, AG/IPP Winston Ongchinke, Project Director Donald Almonte, Rtn. Roberto Lao, Senior Board Member/Rtn. Sonny Besa & Spouse Josephine. While our team present with Pres. Jerry were, AG/IPP Pip, PP Ruben, PP Butch, PP Megs, GSE Team Leader Mhel, PP Mark, Rtn. Chad & Spouse/Sec. Leah, Rtn. Cheche, Rtn. Bonnie and

It was a one blessed day for everyone. The day was overwhelming with the donations of pails of paint from our sisterclub RC Liwasang Bonifacio to this year's adopted school - Bago National High School in the district of Capiz. The show prepared by the students touched the heart of all of us and made sister club promised to donate more paints to paint the entire school with more or less 300 students population with only 9 Teachers, including the Principal. Aside from the paint, the two matched club promised to donate a PA System and build a library of books of which the school is deprived for a long time now.
Likewise, PP Pip Acepcion and his family thru RC Roxas, donated a Dental Chair unit to the school.
This is what Rotary made it so special for everyone. For you only do not touch our heart with your great appreciation of our presence, but you touch our heart by giving us the eyes to see all the opportunity that we can do for the community. With all hands together, with all our collective efforts, we make things happen for this school.
We even went home with pasalubong of rambutan fruits from the student. A simple gesture of kindness for them, yet for us, it made a great big deal of generosity for their effort, time, notwithstanding their presence on a Saturday (no class) just to receive all of us in full force. It was well organized, well attended and well blessed for both groups.
To our sister club, RC Liwasang Bonifacio, it was a pleasure having you in Roxas and around Capiz. There will always be a reason for us to keep in touch - the Bago National High School newly adopted school for RY 2010-2011.
This is what Rotary made it so special for everyone. For you only do not touch our heart with your great appreciation of our presence, but you touch our heart by giving us the eyes to see all the opportunity that we can do for the community. With all hands together, with all our collective efforts, we make things happen for this school.

We even went home with pasalubong of rambutan fruits from the student. A simple gesture of kindness for them, yet for us, it made a great big deal of generosity for their effort, time, notwithstanding their presence on a Saturday (no class) just to receive all of us in full force. It was well organized, well attended and well blessed for both groups.
To our sister club, RC Liwasang Bonifacio, it was a pleasure having you in Roxas and around Capiz. There will always be a reason for us to keep in touch - the Bago National High School newly adopted school for RY 2010-2011.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Project W.A.L.K

The Project Walk initiated between RC Kalibo and RC Forbes Park in 2008 is now being carried upon between RC Roxas and sisterclub RC Forbes from RY 2009 to present, headed by PP Megs. Arnel now goes to highschool at Monfort, New Washington, Aklan.
The 2nd beneficiary Ms. Leilanie Tello is now home in Madalag, Aklan. She is very well and is happy to get her new left prosthesis leg thru this project. Though she misses school this year, we hope that she will be inspired to go ahead and get an education - the only wealth nobody can steal from us. Like many of our beneficiaries, she came from a very impoverished family with 8 siblings in one nipa hut. We hope and wish her a good future soon.

We will also have the 4th beneficiary in line, the 5 1/2 year old - Frenz Charlz of New Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan. A fundraising to sponsor Frenz's two prosthesis leg is now in progress. We got the Missionary of Charity in Tayuman, Manila to foster him and his Mom as their residence while they will be treated at PGH, once a sponsor will be in surface. A new matched club agreement will soon be renewed between RC Roxas and RC Forbes Park, Makati City.
Wishes of Aid and Limbs for Kids (W.A.L.K) aims to assist physically challenged children. A person's physical mobility goes beyond moving oneself from one place to another. By providing limbs to a physically handicapped person, we endeavor to propel one's confidence and self-worth towards personal growth and productivity. THIS IS OUR MISSION.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
President's Column July 31, 2010
Fellow Rotarians in Service,
This week we had our first meeting since the induction and for the first time since I've been in the club all new members were present and participated lively at fellowship time. I think we have a good bunch of new inductees.
Thank you to Rotarians Jon Arcenas, Tonette Borres, Lucille Manuel, and Andre Ravena.
PP Ruben and I will be going out soon to Bago National High School and begin the supervision of painting the roofs from the paint donated by the Rotary Club of Liwasang Bonifacio.
Pres. Jerry Lames
This week we had our first meeting since the induction and for the first time since I've been in the club all new members were present and participated lively at fellowship time. I think we have a good bunch of new inductees.
Thank you to Rotarians Jon Arcenas, Tonette Borres, Lucille Manuel, and Andre Ravena.
PP Ruben and I will be going out soon to Bago National High School and begin the supervision of painting the roofs from the paint donated by the Rotary Club of Liwasang Bonifacio.
Pres. Jerry Lames
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